LDAP groups are used for managing user data stored on an LDAP server. This will not create any user account within Xima® Formcycle, as it would be created when setting up users as described in the help pages for LDAP. A virtual account will be created for the user when they sign in. Virtual users will not be written to and saved in the database.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [null]. Click on this message for details.

Adding an LDAP group

  • Click on the button
  • Give the LDAP group a name that must be unique, and optionally a description.
  • Choose a role that will be assigned to virtual users of this LDAP group when they sign in.
  • Select one or more user groups that will be assigned to virtual users of this LDAP group when they sign in.
  • Use the LDAP connection of the client, or setup a new connection by entering a new connection.
    • Host/IP: Host name or IP address of the LDAP server
    • Port: Port of the LDAP server.
    • Entries per page (Paging): The number of entries per page expected by the LDAP server. When set to 0, the server will expect all entries at once.
    • Max. referral hops: The maximum number of referrals hops that should performed by the LDAP server. When set to 0, references will not be followed at all.
    • SSL encryption: Whether the connection to the LDAP server should be encrypted via SSL.
    • Username: Username for signing in to the LDAP server.
    • Passwort: Password for the user.
  • Enter a baseDN to be used as the root when searching for user objects on the LDAP server.
  • Optionally, enter a filter string to limit the number of users returned by the server. LDAP filter tutorial. To open up a list of all existing groups at the current BaseDN click on Group Search. You may then choose one by clicking on it and the matching filter query is copied into the field automatically.

You can check the LDAP connection before saving the configuration. To check, click on check connection. This will attempt to establish a connection to the LDAP server and return the number of user objects found on the server.

An error message will be displayed when no connection could be established. Please contact your system administrator.

Created by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:59
Translated into en by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:59
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