Uploading form specific files

Uploading client specific files

There are two different types of files. 

  • Client specific files are available to all forms. For example, they could be used as template files for actions of type PDF (Fill) or Word (Fill), as the same template may be required by multiple forms.
  • Form-specific files are only available to the form for which they have been uploaded. Form specific files with the extensions .css (Stylesheet) or .js (Javascript) will be included in the form automatically.

Uploading files

Client specific files

Files that should be available for all forms of a certain client can be uploaded via Files & Templates -> Files.

Form specific files

You can upload files that should be available to a certain form via  Forms -> FormName -> Files.

Creating new files

  1. Click on the new button to the top left.
  2. Select the file to be uploaded by clicking on Browse.
  3. Optionally, you may enter a description and a different name.
  4. Finally, save the file by click on the save button to the top right.
Created by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:57
Translated into en by gru on 25.03.2019, 11:57
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