Von Version < 1.3 >
bearbeitet von awa
am 13.05.2019, 14:16
Auf Version < 4.1 >
bearbeitet von XIMA Admin
am 20.05.2019, 01:01
< >
Änderungskommentar: Es gibt keinen Kommentar für diese Version



... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -Technische Hilfe
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki.awa
1 +XWiki.ximaadmin
... ... @@ -1,7 +1,117 @@
1 -In dieser technischen Hilfe werden alle Funktionalitäten von {{formcycle/}} beschrieben und es wird auf technische Details eingegangen.
1 +{{include reference="Help.Code.VelocityMacros"/}}
2 2  
3 -Siehe auch:
3 +{{velocity output="false"}}
4 +#macro (display4Cards $cards)
5 + <div class="row">
6 + #foreach ($card in $cards)
7 + ## See http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-responsive-resets .
8 + #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 2 == 0)
9 + <div class="clearfix visible-sm-block "></div>
10 + #end
11 + #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 3 == 0)
12 + <div class="clearfix visible-md-block"></div>
13 + #end
14 + #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 4 == 0)
15 + <div class="clearfix visible-lg-block"></div>
16 + #end
17 + <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3">
18 + #helpExampleCard($card)
19 + </div>
20 + #end
21 + </div>
22 +#end
4 4  
5 -* [[Beispiele>>Examples]]
6 -* [[Schnelleinstieg>>GettingStarted]]
7 -* [[Videos>>Videos]]
24 +#set ($howToCards = [{
25 + 'icon': 'fa fa-support',
26 + 'title': 'Getting Started',
27 + 'description': 'Easy steps to get you started with XWiki.',
28 + 'documentation': "http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/GettingStarted/WebHome?version=$escapetool.url($xwiki.version)"
29 +}, {
30 + 'icon': 'fa fa-play-circle',
31 + 'title': 'Videos',
32 + 'description': 'View our collection of video tutorials.',
33 + 'documentation': 'Help.Videos.WebHome'
34 +}])
35 +
36 +#if ($xwiki.exists('Help.History.WebHome'))
37 + #set ($historyURL = $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'view', $NULL, 'History'))
38 +#else
39 + ## We need to generate the page history because the Extension Manager doesn't import it.
40 + #set ($historyURL = $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'save', $escapetool.url({
41 + 'content': 'Check',
42 + 'comment': 'Initial version',
43 + 'form_token': $services.csrf.token,
44 + 'xredirect': $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'save', $escapetool.url({
45 + 'title': 'Page History',
46 + 'content': 'Check mate',
47 + 'form_token': $services.csrf.token,
48 + 'xredirect': $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'save', $escapetool.url({
49 + 'title': 'History',
50 + 'content': 'Check the **history**.',
51 + 'comment': 'Minor change',
52 + 'minorEdit': 1,
53 + 'form_token': $services.csrf.token,
54 + 'xredirect': $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'save', $escapetool.url({
55 + 'content': "Check the **history** tab.$util.newline${util.newline}Compare the versions.",
56 + 'form_token': $services.csrf.token,
57 + 'xredirect': $xwiki.getURL('Help.History.WebHome', 'view', $NULL, 'History')
58 + }))
59 + }))
60 + }))
61 + })))
62 +#end
63 +
64 +#set ($featureCards = [{
65 + 'icon': 'fa fa-pencil',
66 + 'title': 'Page Editing',
67 + 'description': "Use a powerful <a href=""http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/PageEditing"" class=""wikiexternallink"">WYSIWYG</a> content editor or <a href=""$xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiSyntax')"">syntax</a> to create rich wiki pages.",
68 + 'documentation': 'http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/PageEditing',
69 + 'examples': $xwiki.getURL('Sandbox.WebHome', 'edit', 'editor=wysiwyg')
70 +}, {
71 + 'icon': 'fa fa-file-text-o',
72 + 'title': 'Templates',
73 + 'description': 'Templates are predefined pages that are copied when creating a new page.',
74 + 'documentation': 'Help.Templates.WebHome',
75 + 'examples': $xwiki.getURL('Help.Templates.WebHome', 'view', $NULL, 'HExamples')
76 +}, {
77 + 'icon': 'fa fa-file-excel-o',
78 + 'title': 'Macros',
79 + 'description': 'Macros are reusable functionality that can be integrated inside a page.',
80 + 'documentation': 'Help.Macros.WebHome',
81 + 'examples': $xwiki.getURL('Help.Macros.WebHome', 'view', $NULL, 'HExamples')
82 +}, {
83 + 'icon': 'fa fa-files-o',
84 + 'title': 'Applications',
85 + 'description': 'Applications allow to group related structured pages together.',
86 + 'documentation': 'Help.Applications.WebHome',
87 + 'examples': $xwiki.getURL('Help.Applications.WebHome', 'view', $NULL, 'HExamples')
88 +}, {
89 + 'icon': 'fa fa-sitemap',
90 + 'title': 'Content Organization',
91 + 'description': 'Organize your content in hierarchical pages, grouped in several (sub)wikis.',
92 + 'documentation': 'http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/ContentOrganization/',
93 + 'examples': $xwiki.getURL('Main.AllDocs', 'view', 'view=tree')
94 +}, {
95 + 'icon': 'fa fa-history',
96 + 'title': 'Version Control',
97 + 'description': 'View previous versions of a page, compare different versions or rollback to any past version.',
98 + 'documentation': 'http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/VersionControl',
99 + 'examples': $historyURL
100 +}, {
101 + 'icon': 'fa fa-download',
102 + 'title': 'Import / Export',
103 + 'description': 'Import content from various sources and export it in an open format (XML, HTML, PDF, ODT).',
104 + 'documentation': 'http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Features/Imports'
105 +}])
106 +{{/velocity}}
107 +
108 +{{velocity}}
109 +
110 +
111 +{{html clean="false"}}
112 +#display4Cards($howToCards)
113 +{{/html}}
114 +
115 +
116 +{{/html}}
117 +{{/velocity}}
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